What is MegaMoon about?
BSC investors know what they need, a token that can get to the Moon and Burn.
A powerful idea
“Powerful ideas have to be right, new, and big. But they have to be simple, too — or at least simple to express.”
Powerful ideas must be right
Strangely, being right is not the most important quality of an idea. Wrong ideas catch fire all the time. But in the end, your idea isn’t worth pursuing unless it’s based in reality.
Why it’s important. To spread, an idea must be plausible and convincing. To do that, it has to be based in provable facts or trends. Big, new ideas that aren’t right are just dreams, with no basis in reality. If your idea is that people should give up their smartphones, you’re not going to get anywhere — the evidence is against you.
Powerful ideas must be new
Maybe you came up with an idea that somebody already had. You might be able to steal their thunder, but most people will just see you as derivative. It may not be fair, but ideas that are new gain the most influence.
Why it’s important. New ideas get attention. And people who spread them get the credit. At the speed things move now, new is essential. If it’s not new, people will see your idea as a knock-off.
Powerful ideas must be big
What do I mean by big? A big idea is one with far-reaching consequences. Software is moving to the cloud — that’s a big deal. Civility is no longer required for politicians. Could change everything. Make your idea as big as you can.
Why it’s important. Big ideas have big consequences. That gives them staying power. People want to know: what does this mean for my job, my industry, my future? Minor ideas are fine, but they don’t make many ripples.
Powerful ideas must be expressed simply
This is the X factor. Many worthy ideas don’t catch on simply because people can’t explain them well. If you think you have a powerful idea, then take the time to figure out how to tell people about it in as few words as possible.
Why it’s important. Concepts like the cloud, content marketing, and sports analytics (“moneyball”) caught on not just because people believed in them, but because they could explain and spread them easily.
The powerful idea in cryptocurrency
Millions of investors have been captivated by the cryptocurrencies ability to PUMP. While Bitcoin started at a few fractions of a penny and after 10 years went up to over $60,000, other coins and tokens experienced pumps of over 10,000% or more in just a few months, the whole cryptocurrency space has been invaded by investors and traders looking for the next coin/token that can “fly to the Moon”.
Everyone is interested in only one thing, to make money in short and long term, this is the only thing that’s driving investors in the crypto space. Of course, the technology, the networking, financial and charitable aspects that come with each project have their importance too, all of them have their own weight in each project and sometimes they weight even more than the ability to make money, but 99% of the investors are driven to increase their investments value.
When the price of a coin goes up is because of the hype that a news can bring and each investors know that more people will invest, driving the prices up. Even is the hype is generated by a news that’s coming out, a successful development, a partnership, etc, the common thing behind all of these is the idea that the price will go up. Even Elon Musk, the wealthiest man on Earth, got excited about Doge flying to the Moon.
Usually, it is unpredictable when a coin will pump, even if there are certain pointers ahead of big news being released. That’s when everyone starts buying and that’s the right thing.
Investors are all seeking genuine projects, those that are not rugs or scams, those that can have a utility, solve a problem, represent something or at least that can generate huge profits.
This is why MegaMoon project was created. A project that has utility, design, roadmap, tokenomics and purpose to MOON. It also has a great name that suggest how big it can get. Just think about it and you’ll agree that it can only go up.
🔗WEBSITE: https://www.megamoon.biz/
✅CONTRACT: 0x78b971e8B6B5A5F2Cc5feBB8aB9F046037C2107C

Why should I buy MegaMoon ?
MegaMoon is aiming to change the pace in the crypto space and specially on the BSC network. The project has been created to ensure that investors feel safe and receive excellent returns on their investments.
The Tokenomics have been designed to ensure continuous growth in short and long term. MegaMoon is not offering rewards in other coins as that would just create selling pressure since buying those coins would basically mean to sell tokens to purchase them. Also only the top whales and initial investors would benefit from that since the rewards would be distributed based on the % of the holdings, everyone else would receive insignificant amounts that are not comparable in any way to their investments, which is terrible! Our tokenomics are rewarding everyone that is staking MegaMoon tokens and the contract will operate a buyback system that will drive the price up every time, this is to ensure a consistent buying pressure.
MegaMoon's Buyback & Burn system is the best in the whole BSC! Traditional buy back systems are inefficient because they are buying tokens and then selling them back bit by bit to obtain BNBs and buy tokens again, which is the wrong way of doing it since it will add extra selling pressure and cancels the whole purpose of the buy back. MegaMoon's Buyback system is different because it only take money from the sells (tokens that have been already sold) and converting them into BNB, therefore resulting in no extra selling pressure. The system is not open to manipulating bots or whales, it functions automatically at random intervals. The buyback will increase the price appreciation and solidify the liquidity pool and will also automatically burn the collected tokens resulted from the buyback, ensuring they're taken out of the circulation and deeming the token as deflationary.
Every investor is looking to maximize their holdings by staking them. MegaMoon's Staking feature will also contribute towards the price appreciation as it helps reducing the buying pressure and incentivizing investors to hold. Only staked tokens will receive passive rewards from the reflections. Those that believe in the project's vision will gain from the massive APY !
The team behind this project is fully honest and transparent! We are dedicated to make this project a big success and believe that we can achieve that by being open to anyone to check our project, answer any questions with professionalism and be exceptional leaders. The biggest traits in the crypto space are honesty, transparency and integrity, which are the core of our values. We would like to build a strong community, have frequent AMAs where we can answer any kind of questions, therefore you are invited to bring your hardest questions and test us in any way possible. Our project has been envisioned to last for a long period of time as we are looking to create an entire ecosystem by adopting unique concepts, employing hard work and develop great platforms that benefit investors. As you can see, we have put in a lot of time and work to start this project, we will continue to do so and make a stand in the crypto space.