Liquidity Pool: 10% of every buy and 5% of every sell transaction is converted into liquidity for Pancakeswap. It’s automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).
Marketing Wallet: 5% of every transaction is allocated to Marketing. This allows us to fuel our most ambitious projects in service of further rewarding our community.
Reflections in tokens: 2% of every transaction is redistributed to all holders. Hold Super Cat tokens and you will earn more Super Cat tokens automatically in your wallet.
Contract: 0x01aad9587d12a4dfd80a06101bbd14a9951587df
Total Supply (1 Billion Tokens)
- 50% Burn at Launch 500.000.000 (500 Million Tokens)
- 20% Pancakeswap Liquidity 200.000.000 (200 Million Tokens) 🐱
- 15% Exchange Listing 150.000.000 (150 Million Tokens)
- 15% Development 150.000.000 (150 Million Tokens)
What is Super Cats? 😺
Super Cats is a decentralized and community driven meme token, built on the Binance Smart Chain. We believe that cats should be one of the pillars of meme tokens. Our goal is to unite all cat lovers 💞 in the crypto industry.
Use cases ✅
Super Cats will also create value-adds such as our own NFT collections, P2E games, SuperCats Swap, Staking Pool, Eth Bridge and a dedicated community for cats.
Help Saving Cats ♥️
Cats are so adorable and we love them so much. That’s why we want to help support the mission of SAFE Haven for Cats to use no-kill principles and education to save cats’ lives through rescue, adoption, spay / neuter services and community programs.
💠 Total Supply
BUY TAX 18% 💰
🔸 10% Liquidity
🔸 6% Marketing
🔸 2% Reflections
SELL TAX 12% 💰
🔹 5% Liquidity
🔹 5% Marketing
🔹 2% Reflection
♦️ Slippage 12-18%
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