MiningHub Metaverse Token



Game Developers will have the opportunity to integrate our system as pay to earn. It is an API to our unity pay to earn system. The game developer can therefore add custom variables on our predefined payout. Lets say we do have a city simulator game on pc or console. You can rent there a building for lets say about 10 usd per month. As your ingame currency is straight thru our token distributed it will have real value on it. That you will this way earn thru options given by the game like: 
  • - in game Rent income
  • - If object is a Farm, in game yield income 
  • - if object is a Bank, in game bank interests income
  • - System can be deployed on each object and thru the opportunity of custom variables and naming, it can be used also as income opportunity for the distributor of the game as he can define the given rates per object on behalf of our mining price.

Also private staking will be possible. That for we have the 50'000'000'000 tokens in our staking wallet left. We will start staking soon with 20 MIO Tokens.

✅CONTRACT: 0x7ff2cd79cbca6c2a7e5333101f70f9d6490f123b



1. Trustwallet
2. Swap the amount you want to multiply to BSC on the Trustwallet
3. Click on Dapps
4. Select Pancakeswap from the list
5. Check in Pancakeswap whether your wallet is connected (if not, press Connect Wallet)
6. Select the coin you want to buy. MHCH is not yet listed. You can enter this contract:

CONTRACT: 0x7ff2cd79cbca6c2a7e5333101f70f9d6490f123b

7. Change the slippage (pancakes swap fee) before purchasing. To do this, click on the filter symbol above and select 0.5%
8. For the MHCH amount, set the last number e.g. 213455.21323 to 213455.21324. (If this is not possible, you can buy with the standard slippage of 13-15%)
9. Click on Approve and confirm MHCH. Click on swape and confirm the transaction fee (Trustwallet) of around $ 1. (Purchase)
10. Join the MHCH community on Telegram and find out about the other options there and also have a say in which tools MHCH will develop in the future.

To see the token in the Trustwallet, you have to enter the token using the contract address. There are 18 decimal places.

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